KinitoPET Horror

KinitoPET Horror

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How will you confront an evil AI that invaded your computer? KinitoPET prepared an exciting and frightening venture for you, so get ready to change your perception of horror. Your new buoyant best friend will be glad to get you acquainted with everything, just stay there for a little longer!

Gameplay KinitoPET

In this game you are going to step into the unknown virtual world with oddly familiar programmes and backgrounds. Luckily, KinitoPET will give you a personal assistant, who will help you to get used to the atmosphere and who will make your existence in this place as pleasant as possible.

Kinito is a lively pink axolotl and also your best friend! Follow him to the web and open a whole new universe, where his pals also live. Entertain yourself with decorating Sam’s house and construct funny toys together with Jade. However, Kinito has something special for you, so prepare to receive absolutely different emotions.

Even if your pursuit goes wrong, your buddy is able to fix it. Share your thoughts about the journey and let KinitoPET to know you better. Pick up the answers that seem appropriate or even type them yourself! Every detail about you is important, so let the axolotl know everything.

Although, any programme can glitch sometimes, so don’t be surprised to stumble upon some here as well. Unpleasant scenes will appear from time to time, but there is surely nothing to worry about. Or maybe there is a hidden message in these brief scraps of information?

Decide who is your real friend

Dive deeper into the backstage of KinitoPET or stick to the delightful entertainment, which your guide will be happy to offer. The game has lots of secret paths that are hard to discover, but extremely interesting to follow. Which enigmas are stored on this computer? Risk it all and find out.

Although in KinitoPET you are never truly alone, you can still examine the surroundings and try out all the apps on the desktop. Whether you want to play a game with your pal or just to roam through the mail, you will be able to find curious facts to add up to the whole picture.

There is even the opportunity to continue your pursuit even after the main game! Receive one of the endings and start a new, updated session, with additional features and without creepy moments. Or nearly without ones. There are more abhorrent facts inside KinitoPET than you may think, so show your inventiveness and reach them all!

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